SABER GROUP, INC. ~ Established 1997 ~ |
The Story of JELLY BRYCE Coming to American Heroes Channel March 23rd! Author Mike Conti interviewed for program. Available Now! Part I of the Trilogy Inspired by the Life of a True American Law Enforcement Legend-Jelly Bryce Download Now! Bob Taubert's Classic Legacy Book: RATTENKRIEG! Available Now! The Officer's Guide to Police Pistolcraft Mike Conti's Original Police Pistolcraft Instructor's Manual
New Paradigm Target Systems from LET Police Pistolcraft Video Series produced by Calibre Press
Read Mike Conti's article "A Winning Hand" Check out our Free Article Library! Visit! Visit! In Remembrance
Rex Applegate 1914 - 1998 U.S. Army / OSS In Remembrance Roger A. Ford 1948 - 2002 USMC / MSP In Remembrance Jim Cirillo 1931 - 2007 NYPD Help support the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial
Links Page
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Survival Triangle Training
Dr. Alexis Artwohl has had an incredible and positive influence on the police community. Her work was incorporated from the beginning into the New Paradigm Police Firearms Training Program. Most highly recommended!
Borelli Consulting has been providing training to law
enforcement personnel since 2001. Borelli Consulting personnel currently provide
training for approximately 25 different police departments along the eastern
seaboard, and there are requests pending approval to add as many as a dozen
more. Visit their site today!
Brite-Strike Flashlights are the most intriguing personal illumination products yet designed for tactical applications. Incorporating Luxeon® LED and EMP chip technology wrapped in a robust package, these lights are truly something to see first hand. While some will claim they are a little on the pricey side, anyone who has ever really needed a light will tell you that 1) price is the last thing on your mind when the lights go out and danger is lurking and 2) you absolutely get what you pay for. We here at Saber Group HIGHLY RECOMMEND Brite-Strike products!
Calibre Press has continued to produce high quality books, videos, and training aids for use by the law enforcement community since the company's inception.
Non-Deadly Force Training with Tom Patire.
COLD STEEL Edged Weapons for the Professional If you are going to need an edged weapon you can depend upon, start looking here.
George T. Williams' Training Company in Bellingham, Washington. George and everyone working with him are sincere, talented and extremely competent. Visit Cutting Edge today to learn more about their excellent training programs!
Visit noted firearms trainer and author John S. Farnam's Defensive Training International website today! John is considered to be one of the top handgun instructors in the nation, and he and his lovely wife Vicki have trained thousands of federal, state and local law enforcement personnel as well as civilians in the tactical use of firearms.
Check out your perimeter so you can better protect your loved ones. Free site provides offender photos, histories, and updates.
Our good friends at Four Seasons Firearms in Woburn, MA offer a great selection of firearms, ammunition, and accessories as well as outstanding, fast, friendly, and competent service. Highly recommended for all your firearms related needs. Stop by in person at their store at 76 Winn Street (they are located around back) or visit them online.
Tim Sheehan's sighting marvel explained here...Goshen now produces a new line of user-installable sites!
One of the most respected magazines in the industry.
One of the first. Still one of the best. Join IALEFI today!
We here at Saber Group believe that ILEETA will continue to develop as one of the most important law enforcement training associations ever created. Join today!
Jane's has been setting industry standards for years! Cream of the crop for the types of technical information they provide.
Quality items for use in all theaters of operation at an affordable price.
Highly recommended for all your professional printing needs!
LTC Dave Grossman's site. Grossman is the author of ON KILLING and ON COMBAT. The Colonel has had a tremendous influence on the way both the police and military prepare and train their warriors. Most highly recommended!
Kyhber Interactive Associates LLC. is our brother organization in Arizona. Wes Doss has been training warriors to win for more than 25 years. From basic weapons handling to advanced law enforcement/military/security training, Khyber Interactive Associates comprehensive training & conditioning courses will prepare you with proven skills that work in real world situations. Discover the difference at Khyber!
Law Enforcement Dimensions "Policing with Perspective". John Sofis Scheft, President. Highly recommended.
LETN continues to provide timely, cost-efficient distance learning and training courseware. If you haven't checked them out in a while, visit their site to see what's new.
Large selection of targets and innovative training aids! LET continues to grow and their product offerings have grown as well. They currently offer an incredible amount of mission-specific training aids for the professional police or military trainer. Check out their site today!
MA Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors' & Armorers' Association All the members of Saber Group are proud to be associated with the good people at MLEFIAA, and have watched as this association has grown by leaps and bounds over the past several years. Whether you live in Massachusetts or not, you should check out the organization and consider joining today.
Law & Order Magazine
New Jersey's Law Enforcement Journal.
We support the National Rifle Association. If you value your right to lawfully possess firearms, so should you.
National Tactical Officers Association is highly recommended! Check it out today!
Publishers of the "action" library. Lot of interesting and hard-to-find titles.
John Veit's site. John is a proponent of point shooting and provides a great deal of free information regarding it.
Our good friend Ralph Mroz serves as
the senior trainer for POSA. POSA's training
programs and quarterly Journal are available free to every law
enforcement officer, nationwide. Free hands-on classes are conducted in
the New England area to develop and refine POSA's training programs before they are
produced on video. Classes are held in New England but all law enforcement
throughout the country are invited to participate. Are you a police officer who writes, or wants to write? Check out this site for information.
Great self-defense courses for women and children!
SIMUNITION: Best training materials of its type! Ammunition is more expensive than some others out there, but the realism is worth the additional investment.
Contact Michael De Bethencourt, senior instructor for Northeastern Tactical Schools for innovative snub revolver and defensive knife training. Michael's presentation alone is worth the price of admission.
SWAT Magazine, under the guidance of its editor, Denny Hansen, provides the most accurate, unbiased reviews of weapons, training, and equipment in the industry. Denny and SWAT possess the rare quality of integrity, regardless of advertiser's interest or discomfort levels. SWAT's focus is on the end-user, not the provider. You've GOT to admire that!
Visit Bill Burroughs' new website, Internet home of TALON INTERNATIONAL! Bill is a true pioneer in the businesses, who refuses to compromise on quality. One of the best minds in the business.
Visit Team One Network. John T. Meyer Jr., an honorable man and experienced trainer is the President. Team One is based out of Harrisonburg, VA.
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